Here are some answers to frequently asked questions. If you don’t see an answer to your question below please contact us and we will be happy to provide one. Alternatively you
can submit an enquiry using the contact form provided at the bottom of this page.

1. How do I set up a Registered User Account?
To set up your user account please contact the Holly House Nursery Administrator. Your account will need to be verified before access is granted. Once it has been verified you will receive a welcome email from us confirming account activation. You can then login to the site and access all the interactive features and secure/non-public areas, such as the Parents Hub, private events and photos.

2. Are fees all inclusive?
Yes, food, nappies and milk are all included in the price.

3. How much deposit will I have to pay and when will I get it back?
The deposit amount is half of your agreed monthly fee.  It will be deducted from your bill in the first month of your child attending the nursery.

4. Is the food the food freshly prepared.                                                                                          Yes, all of the  food that we serve at Holly house is freshly prepared on site by our cook.  We follow the Children’s Food Trust voluntary guidelines when planning our menus and we also ask for suggestions from parents.

5. How many members of staff are qualified in first aid?                                                          All of our team are trained in Paediatric First Aid.  This training is regularly refreshed.
