Welcome to the March update.
Team News
Congratulations to Lauryn who has successfully completed her Early Years Practitioner Level 2 Apprenticeship and is now enrolled on the Early Years Educator Level 3 Apprenticeship. Good luck Lauryn.
Congratulations also to Alisha who was successful in her application for the role of Deputy Team Leader in the Caterpillar room. We wish her every success in her new role.
Our COVID-19 Site Operating Procedure has been updated. The main changes to note are:
- If a child displays symptoms of COVID they must have a PCR test. The lateral flow tests are designed to test asymptomatic people. Please call 119 or click here to book a test.
- We have received a delivery of lateral flow tests and team members began asymptomatic testing from 22nd March. If several team members test positive we may be left with no other option than to close the setting. We will always do our best to avoid this but if we are unable to maintain staffing levels we will be left with no choice.
- Team members may choose to wear masks when collecting children or handing them over to parents as an extra control measure, particularly in situation where social distancing can not be maintained. Parents and cares should continue to wear masks at drop off and collection.
- Viewings will be reinstated form 1st May.
- French and Yoga classes and visits from other external agencies will resume from 1st June.
A lot of children have presented with high temperatures this week and consequently have been sent home to isolate and be tested. We understand that it can be frustrating for families when this happens, particularly if it has happened more than once. However, we feel that our approach has enabled us to prevent any outbreaks at nursery. We are hearing from other settings about lots of bubble closures and, in some cases, full closures. We want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to prevent this from happening at Holly House.
Families Magazine
Read the March/April digital issue of the Families Leeds & West Yorkshire Magazine here.
What to expect, when?
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete the survey after the parent consultations. The feedback has been extremely helpful. One thing that was suggested was that it would be helpful to share a copy of the EYFS with families. You can find a slimmed down parents’ version of the EYFS here . It gives suggestions on how to support children’s learning and development at home and gives a guide what to expect at the different ages and stages of development.
- Don’t forget that we’re closed on bank holidays.
- Breakfast finishes at 8:30 am. Children arriving after this time should have breakfast at home.
- Please ensure that you pack your child’s nursery bag according to the weather. Children should always come to nursery with wet weather gear so that they can access outdoors even when it’s raining.
Early language development is crucial to a child’s success in later life. We work closely with ICAN to support children who are struggling to develop their speech and language skills. We also reflect upon our practice and the environment to ensure that the children are stimulated to develop their language skills.
ICAN’s Talking Point has a fantastic tool to help parents to understand the ages and stages of language development. You can access it here.
And finally……………..
We’re delighted to announce that the BBQ will go ahead on 10th July. We hope you can make it.
Thank You
The Holly House Team